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What is the production difficulty of tissue paper compared with rice paper?

来源:http://www.qszsy.com/ 发布时间:2020-11-10 

The paper made from sandalwood and Shatin straw is the same as the tissue paper made from the raw materials such as balsamina and Bamboo. To the layman, it takes a certain amount of professional knowledge to distinguish the tissue paper.

From the scientific point of view: just produced tissue paper and fire, fiber is not enough cotton run seed, with the increase of storage time, paper fiber and air natural oxidation, cotton.

It's getting better and better.Therefore, five years and ten years of paper, the effect of the ink painter is very different, this is why the aged mai paper is sought after by the character painter.

From the point of view of the production process of copying paper, it takes about three years from the production of raw materials to the finished products. The straw is exposed to the sun and rain on the outdoor stone beach, which is the use of natural light .The process of bleaching and alcoholizing by natural irradiation.

The grass is also treated naturally during this period, exposed to the sun and rain, and then left in the storeroom for a period of time, and then further oxidized with the air, allowing the raw material to enter.

One step hybridization.It is not easy to produce a copy paper, and it goes through 108 processes.